The Difference Between Gifts and Choices
We’re all born with a set of gifts that set us apart from others. These gifts can be anything from being born a natural athlete, to having a photographic memory, or being very intelligent. These differentiate us and, if nurtured, can be utilized as the building block for a successful life. Our gifts may help us do well in school, sports, or find a career where these gifts are given the air they need to shine through.
The one gift that we’re all born with is that of choice. Each of us decides, as an individual, what choices we will make. We have influencers, mentors, and life experiences that may weigh in on those choices but we’re still given the power to make the final decision.
Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, discusses the difference between gifts and choices during a commencement speech at Princeton University that he gave in 2010.
“One’s character is reflected not in the gifts one is endowed with at birth but rather by the choices one makes over the course of a lifetime.”
You may be quick to jump and say that it is our experiences that make us who we are. I would agree with you. But, it isn’t just the experience that makes us who we are, it is the choices that we made as a result of those experiences that make us who we are and put us into our next situations.
What say you? Do you think it is the gifts you were born with or the choices you’ve made that define who you are?
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