Day 83: A Rainy and Busy Friday

It felt good to get back to deeper sleep last night with 4.5 hours of deep sleep and nearly 8 hours overall.

The light rain helped with sleep early this morning but that quickly became a windy, chilly, dark morning with on/off again torrential rain.

Since my grandparents had such an early flight this morning we didn’t plan on seeing them today. It was really nice to have them here for a few days and am glad that we were able to spend time with them. 

After a few days of having a flexible schedule, my calendar was filled with several meetings and I had plenty of administrative tasks to catch up on. 

Fortunately the rain broke right before having to leave for physical therapy. Laura would have dropped me off if the rain kept up but I much enjoy getting in extra exercise walking there. 

At PT we worked through the routine of stretching and pool exercises. I had odd issues with balance while in the pool but otherwise it was a successful visit. My physical therapist commented that my range of motion continues to improve while doing pool exercises. 

I got back home from PT just in time for one last meeting to close out Friday and then I headed next door to workout on the stationary bike. Instead of going for 30 minutes on a manual resistance I set it on a hill course for 20 minutes.  

That proved to be a great workout and made me happy since I was considering not going due to how late in the day it was getting. 

While working out I started listening to a new Tim Ferriss podcast with Andrew Zimmern  While I do not have the stomach that Andrew Zimmern does, I have always respected people like him and Anthony Bourdain. 

I came home to work on my mobilizations including couch stretching on each leg and lateral ankle smash and flossing. I’m happy with how I am progressing on the couch stretch. 

For dinner tonight Laura made a dish that we call "quick chili” which consists of ground turkey, black beans, spinach, brown rice and diced vegetables. Tonight we decided to use Greek yogurt as sour cream for added protein. It is a delicious and healthy meal that produces lots of leftovers. 

We are relaxing and winding down after a busy week and long Friday.