Day 305: Creating My Own Upper-Body Workout

When I woke up this morning I had to take a minute on the edge of the bed and take a deep breath again before getting the day going. 

What was different from yesterday was that I was able to move at full speed this morning and I was able to leave at my normal time. 

After a couple of morning meetings I had the rest of the day blocked off so that I could continue to pace myself. I took time to work on projects and catch up on my inbox until I had a final meeting at the end of the day. 

My knee was still aching so I decided not to use my standing desk and chose to take the elevator though I usually opt for the stairs. 

When I was driving home I realized that one of the reasons my knee could be hurting is due to the humidity over the last couple of days and the light rain today.  

I still think that I did something during my workout yesterday but I’m sure that the humidity and rain didn’t help. 

When I got to the gym I worked through several new (for me) shoulder mobilizations to help loosen them up. 

Instead of completing today’s Spartan WOD, I put together an upper-body workout to crush my body: 

Main Set

Countdown with sets from 15 reps to 1 rep 

  • Pushups
  • Bicep curls
  • Alternating shoulder raises (10 lb dumbbells)
  • Medicine ball slams (12 lb medicine ball)

It was tough to complete especially since every exercise involved my shoulders but I made it through the full workout for a total of 480 reps. 

When I was walking back upstairs I was estimating that it was 200-300 reps so I was surprised when I added it up. 

I typically try getting to bed by 9:30-10:00p but tonight I won’t be able to crash until 11:00p or after due to not eating dinner until later than usual.  

The extra hour shouldn’t affect me too bad but I try to stay strict on my sleep schedule especially during my week on chemo.