In preparation for tomorrow I went for another round of catscans and x-rays. Tomorrow should be fairly easy since they're going to put me out and pop both shoulders back in. Then I'll go home either tomorrow or Thursday.
Read MoreThank you to Krystyl Baldwin, Lisa Horner, Scott Stratten, Alison Kramer, Mike Volpe, Rebecca Corliss, Kipp Bodnar, the rest of the Hubspot team, our Salesforce team, the Marketing team at work and everyone else who so nicely sent flowers, balloons and teddy bears
Read MoreI was able to sleep through most of the night after not falling asleep the previous night ending until 6:15a. Over a couple of hours several nurses and assistants came though to give me meds, take vital signs and do some other tasks.
Read MoreThank you to Kristin, Nick, Liz and the rest of the @citrix Internal Comms team for the flowers and teddy bear
Read MoreI made it through the MRI and another round of catscans. I won't get to meet with the neurosurgeon until tomorrow but surgery looks like within the next 1-2 days. They have found some type of abcess on my brain...thinking likely tumor but they won't know before consulting with neurosurgeon. They also don't know whether the abcess is benign or not.
Read MoreWell, having 2 severe seizures and being rushed to the ER was not how I planned to close out a really fun weekend.
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