Day 98: A Morning of Repeats
Last night was a bit rough. I woke up at 12:30a convinced I had slept the entire night. Once that happened it was hard to sleep throughout the remainder of the night. At 2:30a I woke up in enough shoulder pain that I had to take Advil to help.
Much like the other night, I’m not sure if it was pain or soreness but it was enough to cause me to wake up, needing Advil to help me fall back asleep.
When I finally woke up at 6:30a, I took my pre-workout drink and drove over to the local high school track. My goal was to see how my shoulders would hold up to 100m repeats - sprints x jog/walk.
After a couple of dynamic warm-ups and a light 400m jog I ran 16 100m repeats. Around 50% of them were sprints x jogs and the other 50% were sprints x walks. It took around 25 minutes to complete the workout.
Throughout the entire run my shoulders felt good and I didn’t feel any pain even during the sprints when I pumped my arms more than on a regular run.
Once Laura woke up we headed over to Sausalito to try a new bakery/cafe for breakfast. It was a beautiful morning so we sat outside while we enjoyed a few pastries.
We came back home to hang out for a while. I took some of the time to continue reading “Unbreakable Runner”. While I knew that Brian MacKenzie was a co-author, I didn’t realize that it was a book about CrossFit Endurance.
It has been an interesting read so far and anyone wondering about CrossFit Endurance should consider picking it up. If you’ve read “Ready to Run” you will see, not surprisingly, many similarities between the two books.
We spent the afternoon and evening at a friends house enjoying great conversation, delicious food and tasty wine.
It’s not often that Laura and I hang out with other couples so today was a rare treat for us and it was a lot of fun.
Now that we’re back home we are relaxing and enjoying a few snacks to close out cheat day.
I’ll be interested to see how I feel tomorrow when I wake up. If delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is going to set in then I should be sore from the resistance band workout.