Day 355: 10 Days Until the One Year Anniversary
Even though I woke up 3 times throughout the night, I still managed nearly 4.5 hours of deep sleep which is between 1-2 hours more than I normally average.
It was another early start to the day since we had our global employee meeting this morning so I had to get to the office around 45 mins earlier than normal.
The day seemed to fly by with a number of meetings, impromptu chats and trying to squeeze some work in between all of the craziness that this week has had built into it.
The specialty pharmacy that CVS uses tried calling me today to arrange the shipment to CVS but we didn’t have a good connection so I am going to have to call them back tomorrow.
I’m really looking forward to just having to walk next door to pick up my chemo meds instead of dealing with the headaches of the home delivery pharmacy.
Though many people have encouraged me to have the medications shipped to work, that would only alleviate one of the problems that I have had with them.
They have also overcharged us, not processed insurance information correctly, almost sent shipments without the full dosages and so many other problems that I prefer to not use them moving forward.
Thursdays are not only my day off from working out but also our date night. Laura and I enjoyed going back to our favorite Mexican restaurant for the first time since we went to Cabo.
It’s already been a month since we were there and now we’re gearing up to leave for Connecticut in 2 weeks.
Tomorrow will be my first Friday working from home in the past couple weeks. I enjoy getting to spend the day with Sasha and Darren. It is also nice to have a change in my schedule and surroundings.
After a week that was packed with meetings, it will be nice to only have a few meetings tomorrow and get to focus the rest of my day on project and admin work before the weekend starts.
It’s hard to believe that we’re only 10 days away from the one year anniversary of when my seizures and shoulder injuries first happened.
In so many ways it feels like it was just yesterday that I came to in the back of an ambulance not understanding what had happened. In other ways it feels like it has been a journey that we’ve been on for many years.