Day 298: 25 Burpees in 2 Minutes
Today was the final day of our offsite meeting. It was my turn to provide an update on my team and programs.
We finished the meeting with a team lunch before I had to jump into another meeting and then finished my day off with working on budget stuff.
My legs and lower back were, unexpectedly, sore from yesterday’s workout. Even though I was sore, I still went over to the gym to complete the following workout:
Main set
- 2 minutes of burpees
- 800-meter run above lactic threshold
- Recover 1-2 minutes
- 2 minutes of jumping rope (or rowing)
- 800-meter run above lactic threshold
- Recover 1-2 minutes
Though it was a short workout, it left me barely able to walk. However, I was happy that I completed 25 burpees in the 2 minutes allotted.
With my first Spartan race only 1.5 months away it is important that I continue to condition my body to doing burpees, especially non-completion of any exercises results in a 30 burpee penalty.
My shoulders have been feeling strong the last few days as I put them through external and internal rotation exercises.
Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day so I hope to use the additional time to focus on mobility work since I haven’t been as good about that this week.
When I came home I took some time to work on digging my inbox out while Laura cooked dinner. After being in an offsite for the last 3 days, I have a lot of work/projects to organize, tackle and check in on.
After Laura and I each having work dinners the last two nights it was nice to have a normal night at home.