Built Unstoppable

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Day 265: Tackling the Spartan 100

As usual on Friday, it was nice waking up without an alarm, even if it was only 30 minutes later than usual.

I try keeping a lighter schedule on Fridays so that I can close out the week catching up on email, little tasks and projects however, that was not the case today.  

Today was packed with 7 meetings and only a few minutes to inhale lunch while trying to answer emails in between bites.  

I usually stop working while having lunch and either watch a video or go sit outside on the patio if I’m in the office. 

Once I finished my work for the day, it was off to conquer today’s Spartan WOD: 

Warm Up:

Jump Rope – 3 minutes
10 Isometric Wipers
10 Double Leg Butt Kicks 

Main Set:

100 meter sprint
10 push-ups
1 minute rest 

100 meter sprint
10 jumping lunges
1 minute rest 

100 meter sprint
10 pull-ups
1 minute rest 

100 meter sprint
10 burpees
1 minute rest 

100 meter sprint
10 bodyweight squats
1 minute rest 

100 meter sprint
30 crunches
1 minute rest  

And then, collapse.  

I was barely able to walk after the first couple of rounds, never mind at the end of the workout. 

I took the time to work through ankle mobilizations and then to save my ankles additional impact, I used the elliptical for all sprints. 

Unfortunately, I was only able to complete a single strict pull-up without the assistance of a band.  

I was able to accomplish everything else so I tried to cut myself some slack there. My left shoulder has also been sore the past few days so I know I wasn’t at 100% before starting my workout. 

It was 90 degrees in the gym since someone had turned on the heat while setting it for 67 degrees instead of turning it to cool. 

Instead of fixing it I just pressed on to see if I could workout in 90 degree heat since that’s the hottest the gym has ever been. 

My skin was on fire by the end of it but I still tackled it all. 

I came home and spent some quality time with my TriggerPoint GRID roller to help break up everything in my back and legs.  

Tonight has been spent just relaxing and unwinding after a busy week while looking forward to a fun weekend.